
Update Payment Sample

This sample code demonstrate how you can update a Payment resources you've created using the Payments API.


Note that it can only be updated before the execute is done. Once, the payment is executed it is not possible to udpate that. Docs: API used: PATCH /v1/payments/payment/

/** @var Payment $createdPayment */ $createdPayment = require 'CreatePaymentUsingPayPal.php'; use PayPal\Api\Payment; $paymentId = $createdPayment->getId();

Create a Patch Request

This is how the data would look like: [ { "op": "replace", "path": "/transactions/0/amount", "value": { "total": "25.00", "currency": "USD", "details": { "subtotal": "17.50", "shipping": "6.20", "tax": "1.30" } } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/transactions/0/item_list/shipping_address", "value": { "recipient_name": "Gruneberg, Anna", "line1": "52 N Main St", "city": "San Jose", "postal_code": "95112", "country_code": "US", "state": "CA" } } ]

$patchReplace = new \PayPal\Api\Patch(); $patchReplace->setOp('replace') ->setPath('/transactions/0/amount') ->setValue(json_decode('{ "total": "25.00", "currency": "USD", "details": { "subtotal": "17.50", "shipping": "6.20", "tax":"1.30" } }')); $patchAdd = new \PayPal\Api\Patch(); $patchAdd->setOp('add') ->setPath('/transactions/0/item_list/shipping_address') ->setValue(json_decode('{ "recipient_name": "Gruneberg, Anna", "line1": "52 N Main St", "city": "San Jose", "state": "CA", "postal_code": "95112", "country_code": "US" }')); $patchRequest = new \PayPal\Api\PatchRequest(); $patchRequest->setPatches(array($patchReplace, $patchAdd));

Update payment

Update payment object by calling the static update method on the Payment class by passing a valid Payment ID (See bootstrap.php for more on ApiContext)

try { $result = $createdPayment->update($patchRequest, $apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Update Payment", "PatchRequest", null, $patchRequest, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Update Payment", "PatchRequest", $payment->getId(), $patchRequest, null);

Getting Updated Payment Object

if ($result == true) { $result = Payment::get($createdPayment->getId(), $apiContext); ResultPrinter::printResult("Get Payment", "Payment", $result->getId(), null, $result);

Get redirect url

The API response provides the url that you must redirect the buyer to. Retrieve the url from the $payment->getLinks() method

foreach ($result->getLinks() as $link) { if ($link->getRel() == 'approval_url') { $approvalUrl = $link->getHref(); break; } } ResultPrinter::printResult("Created Payment Using PayPal. Please visit the URL to Approve.", "Payment", "<a href='$approvalUrl' >$approvalUrl</a>", $request, $result); } return $result;