
Reauthorization Sample

This sample code demonstrates how you can reauthorize a PayPal account payment. API used: v1/payments/authorization/{authorization_id}/reauthorize

/** @var Authorization $authorization */ $authorization = require 'AuthorizePayment.php'; use PayPal\Api\Authorization; use PayPal\Api\Amount;


Reauthorization is available only for PayPal account payments and not for credit card payments.

You can reauthorize a payment only once 4 to 29 days after the 3-day honor period for the original authorization has expired.

try { $amount = new Amount(); $amount->setCurrency("USD"); $amount->setTotal(1);

Reauthorize with amount being reauthorized

$authorization->setAmount($amount); $reAuthorization = $authorization->reauthorize($apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Reauthorize Payment", "Payment", null, null, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Reauthorize Payment", "Payment", $authorization->getId(), null, $reAuthorization);