
Authorize Order Sample

To authorize an order payment, pass the orderId in the URI of a POST call. This begins the process of confirming that funds are available until it is time to complete the payment transaction. API used: POST /v1/payments/orders//authorize

/** @var \PayPal\Api\Payment $payment */ $payment = require __DIR__ . '/ExecutePayment.php'; use PayPal\Api\Order; use PayPal\Api\Amount; use PayPal\Api\Authorization;

Approval Status

Determine if the user approved the payment or not

if (isset($_GET['success']) && $_GET['success'] == 'true') {

Retrieve the order

OrderId could be retrieved by parsing the object inside related_resources.

$transactions = $payment->getTransactions(); $transaction = $transactions[0]; $relatedResources = $transaction->getRelatedResources(); $relatedResource = $relatedResources[0]; $order = $relatedResource->getOrder();

Create Authorization Object

with Amount in it

$authorization = new Authorization(); $authorization->setAmount(new Amount( '{ "total": "2.00", "currency": "USD" }' )); try {

Authorize Order

Authorize the order by passing authorization object we created. We will get a new authorization object back.

$result = $order->authorize($authorization, $apiContext); ResultPrinter::printResult("Authorized Order", "Authorization", $result->getId(), $authorization, $result); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Authorized Order", "Authorization", null, $authorization, $ex); exit(1); } return $result; } else { ResultPrinter::printResult("User Cancelled the Approval", null); exit; }