<?php $apiContext = require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';

Retrieve List of All Web Profiles

Documentation available at

Retrieve the list of all web profiles by calling the static get_list method on the WebProfile class. (See bootstrap.php for more on ApiContext)

try { $list = \PayPal\Api\WebProfile::get_list($apiContext); } catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Get List of All Web Profiles", "Web Profiles", null, null, $ex); exit(1); } $result = ''; foreach ($list as $object) { $result .= $object->toJSON(128) . PHP_EOL; } ResultPrinter::printResult("Get List of All Web Profiles", "Web Profiles", null, null, $result); return $list;