
Retrieve QR Code for Invoice Sample

Specify an invoice ID to get a QR code (image) that corresponds to the invoice ID. A QR code for an invoice can be added to a paper or PDF invoice. When a customer uses their mobile device to scan the QR code, the customer is redirected to the PayPal mobile payment flow, where they can pay online with PayPal or a credit card.

/** @var Invoice $invoice */ $invoice = require 'SendInvoice.php'; use PayPal\Api\Invoice; use PayPal\Api\Notification; try {

Retrieve QR Code of Sent Invoice

Retrieve QR Code of Sent Invoice by calling the qrCode method on the Invoice class by passing a valid notification object (See bootstrap.php for more on ApiContext)

$image = Invoice::qrCode($invoice->getId(), array('height' => '300', 'width' => '300'), $apiContext);

Optionally Save to File

This is not a required step. However, if you want to store this image as a file, you can use 'saveToFile' method with proper file name. This will save the image as /samples/invoice/images/sample.png

$path = $image->saveToFile("images/sample.png"); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Retrieved QR Code for Invoice", "Invoice", $invoice->getId(), null, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Retrieved QR Code for Invoice", "Invoice", $invoice->getId(), null, $image);

Show the Image

In PHP, there are many ways to present an images. One of the ways, you could directly inject the base64-encoded string with proper image information in front of it.

echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,'. $image->getImage() . '" alt="Invoice QR Code" />';